Book soundtrack

Para una mejor experiencia con este soundtrack, te recomiendo escucharlo tras haber terminado el libro. Así podrás descubrir que canción pertenece a qué momento o a quién.


  1. The politics & the life – Daniel Pemberton & Gareth Williams *
  2. The mystics dream – Loreena McKennitt
  3. The devil & the daughter – Daniel Pemberton
  4. From roots to needles – If These Trees Could Talk
  5. One – Filter
  6. Mordred’s lullaby – Heather Dale
  7. Saturn – Sleeping At Last
  8. The rains of Castamere – Sigur Rós
  9. Before me – Arcane Roots
  10. The ballad of Londinium – Daniel Pemberton
  11. Brennisteinn – Sigur Rós
  12. The born king – Daniel Pemberton
  13. Burn the witch – Radiohead
  14. Asylums for the feeling – Silent Poets (Feat. Leila Adu)
  15. Light of the Seven – Ramin Djawadi
  16. Road to nowhere – Jeff Russo & Rachel Keller
  17. Kings and Queens – Thirty Seconds To Mars
  18. The witching hour – The Kinnardlys **

* Tema del libro
** Tema de la trilogía